Clip Art


first word ==> AWESOME!
second word==> GEORGEOUS!
thirhd word==>SERIOUSELY I WANT IT!
smua org pom mcm 2..
huhh bila la dpt merasa menjdi pemilik mutlak keta ni ek hehe
one day msa aku , my mum n my sis p shopping kt kbmall 2
tnampak la keta ni dok REHAT kt lot parking
then ni la dialog antara kmi bertiga
aku :> umi, ni la keta y org nk beli nt..ok x?
umi:> ok la..blaja tgi2 keje best2 then boleh la bli sndri
(hehehe ingt umi y nk tlg blikan huhu)
along:> aku pn xdpt lg nk bli xkn mu blh kot (smbil gelak mcm old witch)hahaha

hurmmm......lbtnye hbis blajo ni nk cpt2 keje..

nak nak nka nak!!


only in a few days my cousin will engaged!!!
may Allah bless both of you!
ok! my turn??wait n see hahahaha...
ermmm start tomorrow until saturday
aku x on9 atas sebab2 tertentu..
the reason is
1) 17th Nov => hari Raya Aidiladha
2) 18th Nov=> maybe sibuk ngn psiapan majlis ptnagan kazen
(maybe je k!)hehe
3)19th NOv=> Hari Kazen sayer tunang yer harap maklom..huhu

k la nk cite sket sal ceremony ni hehe(sebok jek)
ermm temanya wane Purple
so kna pkai purple la gamaknye heheh
x sbr nk thu hri jumaat ni..
yela kazen nk tunang kn..
emm my auntie pn nmpaknye sibuk je hehe
mane xnye anak sulung nk tunang
so everything must look PERFECT!

pssttt ni bkn bjunya ni cma gmbr hiasan je

ni pn gmbr hiasan gak heheheh

friends forever!!

my friends is everything!!
luv u o'lls

each friend represents a wolrd in us, a wold possibly not born untill
they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born..

don't walk in front me, i may not follow
don't walk behond me, i may not lead
walk beside me anf be my frind

a friend is one who believes
in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself
my friends are my estate.

a real friend is one who walks when
the rest of the world walks out..
a hug is worth a thaousand words but
a friend is worth more..

Friendship is unnecessary, like phiosophy, like art..
it has no survival value rather is one of
those things that give value to survival..

make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other gold
make new friends, both young and old, one in silver and others are gold
make new friends but keep the old, some are silver and others are gold
i have a hand, and you have another, put them together and we have each other!


moshi2(eh kuar bhs jepun lak)hehehe
lau yesterday aku share pasal handphones
today lak aku nk share sal 'korean drama'

aku ni hntu korean drama huhu
best pe lyn citer korea kn2??
tp cite y de hero or heroin y ensem n cun je..
hikhikhik ngengader je kn..
pape pn layannzzzz!!

~boys over flower~
ni cite y paling5 aku suke
x boring pn tgok cite ni wlaupun da brulang ulang kali tgk
hehehe..4 jejaka lam drama ni pn hensem2 blako..
especially Gu Jun Pyo(Lee Min Ho)
Ji hoo

~personal Taste~
Lee Min Ho selaku hero lam cte ni...
cite ni bkisar ttg Saranghoje(btul x eja?)
hehe saranghoje 2 umah unik y lee min ho nk amik cntoh nk buat bgunan
y plg d tgu2 disalah anggap sbg gay happy ending la..nk tau kisah ni tgk la sdri heheh

~He Was Cool~
cite ni pn best gak..sape x tgk mmg rugi..
lucu, romantik smua ade..

~full house~
ermm sape y x tau sal cite ni kn??
mmg melatop la!

~ 1oo days with Mr.Arrogant~

~sassy girl~
citer ni pn best..
sape y x tgk lg 2 sila2 la tgk

~autumn in my heart~
drama ni mmg jd fenomena suatu ketika dlu (chewaah) mmg btul
~you are my destiny~

~ stairway to heaven!

~coffe prince~

~winter sonata~

chaiyok! chaiyok!


iTs SunDay!!
so today aku nk share sal handphone y terhangat di pasaran (huhu agaknye)
aku hnya boley share lam blog je la nk bli pown xderk doitt..
skadar nk cuci mata je ni
lau p hypermarket (KBMALL)
x sah lau aku x singgah kt kdai2 hp ni...bleh rabun mata you!!

~i Phone 4~
hp ni my brother in in law gune (blom smpai sbulan lgik) hehe
so aku pn try la guna (pnjam jek)
waah!!superb beb...
mmg canggih la,,hehehe
ni lau guna pinjamnan ptptn 1 semester aku pown belom cukup maaa...

~blackberry bold~
mmg tliur la tgok ni..

ni lg blacberry punye,..
black berry tau bukan blueberry or strawberry..
psstt: strwberry bleh bli kt giant hehe

this is sony ericsson pnye brand!

sony ericsson XPERIA X2..

ni lak model nokia..
cun kn??? de sape2 nk bg free x kt akoo??

~nokia n72~
pabeet aku skng neh..but xde budget lg..
pinjam boleyy???

ni lak ~nokia n92~
ni paberet aku dulu2 kala
tp x kesampaian pown guna...

~nokia 5530 xpressmusic~
hp ni kazen aku ngah guna...
(p-dah oh)hehe

n finally
my lovely mucuk masyam!
aku ngah gune this phone!!
nokia 5230..
cute what!
wlaupon x standing my brother in law pnye hp
thats all papai!!

hari y mem'BORING'kan

ushhh...... xtaw la nape tp rse boring je hri ni, si dia lak dmam..wut i gonna 2 do? hehe

apelg beresbuk je la kje aku hek3...whatever la..t kdai topup pun org agak slow sket heheh..syukran je la dri xde org lgsung kn3....just wanna share tntag cite y aku tgk 2 week before final exam..crite bout wanita y kawen ngn lelaki brumur tp asben dia 2 gabenor kira kaya gak la ade anak laki org cute ngt, asben dia sorng y baik thdp mrka skluarga n one day adik wnita ni call sh dtg bndal coz dia n wife dia hmpir nk bcerai..dia pn pg la kt umh adiknye n pkhwinan adiknye dpt d slmt kn but msa dia kt sna ade la srg laki muda(lbih muda dri wanita 2) bkenan kt wnita 2 n dorng pn cple la tnpa pngatahuan asben..lma2 wnita ni mtak cerai dgn asben dia n dok bsama pakwe dia tp lma klamaan dia jd syak terhadap pakwe dia~dia tkt pkwe dia curng sptimana dia curang dgn asben dia~n pkra 2 buat dia tertekan then last2 dia bunuh dri dgn mletakan kplnya ats laluan kretapi......hummm sedih cite ni.... =p

si talam 2 muka...

ermmm aku geram btol ngn sorang minah ni.. u know wht??dia ska taw kutuk2 org..member aku y sorang lg kua msti dia kutuknye member aku 2 kaw2, maybe la lau aku lak y xde dia kutuk aku lak kot..4 u'ols infrmation dia dlu da buat frienship ktorng musnah!!mmg shit kn minah 2...pdahal dia 2 bknya baik sgt, baik ke lau ktuk org blakang2?? lg 1 prgai dia ni suka dengki dgn org..xtau la ape y dia x puas ht...ksian kt member aku sorng lg 2 hbs minah ni jaja cerita dia kt org len,sdangkan member aku y sorang lg 2 anggap minah ni beshpren dia smua crita pribadi dia gtaw minah ni tp last minah ni pg lak crita kt org len...adeshh prngai ape laa...
ht2 la alu dpt kwn mcm gampang je dah la gedik prsan lawa lak 2...eiiiuuuu uwekkss nk muntah!!!

forever after..

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers